TODAY Sunday Dec 4th, 6pm (GMT) Live Zoom Session // Presentation plus Q&A - Ticket holders will also receive a link to the recording

BEDS: Of Powerful Mothers and Motherly Powers

Beds are nearly omnipresent in ancient Egypt and occur as actual objects, models, hieroglyphs, paintings, and reliefs in the everyday life, funerary, and temple contexts. Due to this ubiquitousness and the fact that these pieces of furniture still look similar, if not to say nearly identical to their modern counterparts, it is often assumed that their function must be comparable to that of nowadays as well. For this reason, these items have only rarely been investigated in more detail.

The aim of this talk is to (re-)examine the use, purpose, and symbolic significance of beds in ancient Egypt, especially in connection with the so-called mother-goddesses who swallow the sun-god (and by extension the sleeper-deceased) at night in order to give birth to him again in the morning. Thus, as a representative of deities like Nut, Neith, and Mehetweret, this piece of furniture clearly highlights the involvement and importance of powerful mothers in the rebirth process. Moreover, since the ancient Egyptians regarded beds and thrones as belonging within the same object category, it will also be discussed whether the royal seat could be linked to mother-goddesses as well, guaranteeing the daily renewal of the pharaoh and his power. If so, the throne would embody the female complement to the (usually) male kingship, both being necessary for the survival of creation.

From Manon Y. Schutz
I have studied Egyptology at the universities of Trier (Germany) and Oxford, and have also worked as a lecturer at both these institutions. Since 1 October 2022, I am employed as a teaching and research fellow at the University of Münster (Germany). My main interests are the categorisation and meaning of furniture in ancient Egypt, having written my PhD on beds in the funerary context. However, I am interested in funerary religion and how it is reflected in tomb equipment more generally. Moreover, I work on a project entitled ‘Luxembourg and Egypt(ology)’, an undertaking which tries to retrace the contact between Luxembourgish citizens or people with a broader link to Luxembourg and Egypt.

Please note time is UK

TicketSource ticket shop closes one hour before the event starts.

You will receive the Zoom meeting room link on the morning of the event.

A recording will be available for 2 weeks for all ticket holders.

Payment can also be made by sending £5 via PayPal to email address : // Please use ref: BEDS

Sarah Janes