DREAM MAPPING THE MEMORY PALACE // 4-Week Online Course with Sarah Janes
FEBRUARY 2023 // Feb 5th // Feb 12th // Feb 19th // Feb 26th

Author, researcher and dream culture historian Sarah Janes, leads this fascinating 4-week course exploring the 'Memory Palace' in dreamworlds, the art of dream mapping and the morphology of dreams.

As a child Sarah drew maps of the worlds she visited in dreams and learned that this process helps to create a feedback system, working to strengthen the mysterious relationship between waking and dreaming memory.

Each session is themed around a prominent feature of the dreamscape. You will investigate the history and context of these dream themes within the culture of the Western Esoteric Tradition. We will be working with the idea of the dream as a form of spirit medicine; a portal into otherworlds, a chthonic zone of regeneration, and a window into the realms of the divine and dead.

Participants will be sent extra-curricular activities, tips, resources and links to source materials to further their own research if they wish to do so.

Do email with any questions or queries: sarah@awakeandaway.co.uk

Alternative payment can be made via PayPal by sending £80 for all four sessions or £20 per individual session to
sarah@awakenandaway.co.uk // Ref: DREAMMAP // or name of individual session

Each session includes a 30 minute guided hypnagogic dream incubation meditation session //
Participants will receive recordings all presentations including Q&A, and the meditation section as a separate audio file.

February 5th 6pm (UK) 1hr 45 minutes
Water in dreams frequently relates to memory and emotion. Water is very often a key feature of the dreaming landscape, whether arriving in the form of overwhelming tsunami or murmuring crystal fountain of youth.

By exploring what particular water themes and motifs mean to us personally, we encourage ourselves to become lucid, to transform the muddy waters of our subconscious mind into limpid rock pools full of pulsating life and meaning.

February 12th 6pm (UK)
Trains, planes and automobiles, boats, bicycles and zeppelins, stations, junctions and crossroads. Modes of transportation and journeys within dreams are deeply fascinating, they mirror integration and personal evolution. They can take us from A to B in every way, carrying us from one place to another, physically and metaphorically. They alter our perspective and time space. Train stations, airports, ports and harbours are often consistent dreaming locations, we might find ourselves often at the same train station, rushing up Escher-esque staircases, losing plane tickets, getting on the wrong boat. In this session we will explore the vital essence of dream travel, the necessity of onward motion within the dream state, the relationship between journeys, emotions and the unconscious. By working with and remembering these important dream spaces we can learn to become more aware whilst dreaming of the journey we are embarking upon each night and make more conscious decisions about where, when and why we go.

February 19th 6pm (UK)
Landforms, geological features, weather phenomenon and dream morphology. Dream landscapes can tell us lot about our own psychic architecture. In dreams, the world encodes our personality, our sense of self, our soul. When we find ourselves within a dream, we are not an avatar within a dream world, we are the whole dream world. In this session we will work with the idea of the deepening our relationship with the land, of feeling and finding ourselves in mountain, waterfall, typhoon, cave and sun. We will also look at light in dreams, how do we experience light, illumination and radiance in the dark, with our eyes closed? How do our slumbering senses process sensory information and rework it into a radiant and colourful tapestry of dreaming? In this session we will start to create a cohesive map, working the various elements into a whole picture, a map of our dream world.

February 26th 6pm (UK)
You are an auteur, dream director. Dream architecture can develop rapidly or become fixed and rigid. Some find themselves returning every night to their childhood home, others visit futuristic cities, drowned worlds, underground labyrinths. Often dream architecture can be identified as an amalgamation of remembered places, a visual representation of our mental state, a mansion of the soul. In this session we will work on manifesting desired architecture, actually building structures within our dream world and perfecting our vision, creating harmony between our waking and dreaming self.


Event Details

Starts at 6:00PM

Sarah Janes