Telesterion // Initiation Hall: from Greek τελείω, "to complete, to fulfil, to consecrate, to initiate"

A curated evening of sensory delights and intellectual inquiry to provoke inspiration and epiphany.
Featuring conversations with academics, researchers, musicians, artists and philosophers who are involved in the study of consciousness.

You will also have the opportunity to experience altered/trance states via sessions on the hypnagogic light machine - Lucia No. 3, dream incubation ritual and sleep hypnosis, sonic shaktipat experiments, AI-generated AV tarot divination, divine song and ridiculous dancing. The experiences offered at this event are designed to generate natural ecstasy.

Brighton Electric Studios 24th of November 7pm start
22 Lewes Rd, Brighton BN2 4AD

Highly recommend getting your tickets early.

Payment can also be made by sending £20 via PayPal to - email beforehand to confirm availability
Please use ref: TELESTERION

Dress up as your favourite divinity // Bring a pillow and blanket

Voices of Heaven - Jennie Howell, Jo Burke, Guy Hayes and Dan Stewart // fumigations and lustrations

PANEL DISCUSSION - Death, Tech, Drugs, Beauty and Dreams - Philosophies for the Future (chaired by event organiser Sarah Janes)
Guest speakers: Anthony Peake, Pascal Immanuel Michael, Eileen Hall, Carl Hayden Smith, Caz Coronel and Guy Hayward

Anthony Peake: Anthony Peake is a bestselling author, lecturer, broadcaster whose ideas apply scientific reasoning to some of the greatest mysteries of the universe, including what happens when we die? He has written 12 books including: Cheating the Ferryman, Is there Life After Death? The Hidden Universe, Time and the Rose Garden, Opening the Doors of Perception, The Immortal Mind (with Ervin Lazlo), The Man Who Remembered the Future: A Life of Philip K. Dick, The Labyrinth of Time, The Out-of-Body-Experience, The Daemon and contributions to others including Making Sense of Near Death Experiences: A Handbook for Clinicians.

Pascal Immanuel Michael
: Pascal Michael received a BSc Hons (Aberdeen University) in Neuroscience and an MSc (University College London) in Clinical Mental Health Sciences. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Psychology at the University of Greenwich with Dr. David Luke, where his research mainly encompasses phenomenological analyses of mystical-type human experiences, both psychopharmacological and spontaneous – specifically, the psychedelic (namely DMT) experience and the near-death experience (NDE). This is with a view to developing a formalised framework of thinking that the NDE is fundamentally an endogenous psychedelic episode, as indicated by its acute, long-term as well as parapsychological effects. As such Pascal’s interests lie in death and dying as an entangled continuum – existing at the levels of the molecular, humanistic, and transpersonal. He has presented at conferences such as Breaking Conventions, and has been invited to give talks such as with the Oxford University Psychedelic Society. He is the 2020 recipient of the Schmeidler Outstanding Student Award.

Eileen Hall: Eileen Hall is an Ecuadorean/Scottish creative director, artist & explorer based in London. She is the Founder of Tayos, an organisation supporting the protection of endangered habitats in Ecuador as well as exploring our relationship to nature and its role in our wellbeing through art, music & science. Tayos was inspired and ignited by the work of her late father Stan Hall who sought to uncover the lost history of the Americas and the Tayos treasure legend. In her paintings she enjoys exploring the numinous, luminous, liminal and elemental qualities of consciousness & our inner landscapes. Inspired by the wild landscapes of her home country of Ecuador, alongside her love of music and psychedelics, she creates dreamscapes and dreamseeds that combine these threads of her imagination.

Carl Hayden Smith: Carl H Smith is Interim Head of Research, Director of the Learning Technology Research Centre (LTRC) and Principal Research Fellow at Ravensbourne University London. His background is in computer science and architecture. He has 20 years experience conducting research and development into the application of hybrid technologies for perceptual, cognitive and creative transformation. Bringing in over £10 million in research funding, his projects at Ravensbourne include: WEKIT (Wearable Experience), mRIDGE, mEQUITY, AR4EU (Code Reality) and the Hobs 3D Academy. Carl has previously worked at the Computing departments at London Metropolitan University, Glasgow University and Sheffield University. His research interests also include Distributed Cognition, Spatial Literacy and Hyper-humanism.

Caz Coronel: Caz Coronel is a diverse DJ, music producer, sound designer and singer. Caz has spun in top venues including XOYO, Fabric, Print Works, 26 Leake St, Heaven, The Shard, The London ExCel, The Orbit, The Rothschilds Vila, and is a regular at events such as Morning Gloryvile, Osho Leala, Rumpus, Buddhafields, she has headlined the London's Gay Pride Street party. Her eclectic taste and adaptability have given her a residency at Secret Cinema over the last five years.

Caz is an ambassador for the ‘Conscious Rave’ scene which promotes the ethos that ‘good music is enough to get you high’. She also runs the thriving group Conscious Explorers and regularly speaks on topics of consciousness, philosophy, psychdelics, mindset, nature hacks, mental and physical wellbeing.

Guy Hayward: Guy co-founded the British Pilgrimage Trust, after completing a PhD at Cambridge on how singing forms community.


DAVID BRAMWELL Lobsang Rampa, short A/V set.
David Bramwell is a British writer, musician, performer and broadcaster. For BBC Radio 3 and Radio 4, he has made programmes on diverse subjects, including Ivor Cutler, clapping, time travel, and the murmurations of starlings. David has recently launched his own podcast - Adventures in Nutopia. He is the founder and host of Brighton's spoken word night, the Catalyst Club. Bramwell is also a singer-songwriter with his band Oddfellow's Casino. Describing Bramwell's writing, Matthew Clayton declares that 'The tradition that he taps into is one best exemplified by the work of Ken Campbell— or from another perspective - one part Eric Morecombe, one part Alan Moore. On the subject of Lobsang Rampa - I will leave him up to David.

LUXEDELIA // LUCIA LIGHT with MOUNT ANALOGUE - (3 participants can take part per session) Developed and manufactured in Austria, the patented technology of the Lucia N°03 hypnagogic light machine is unique in its delivery of constant and flickering light which differentiates the hypnagogic light experience (HLE) from comparable stroboscopic stimulators available. The light machine software includes 100 programmes of varying strength, length and intensity for experimentation. Invented by Dr Proeckl & Dr Winkler in response to their research into near death experience and other altered states of consciousness. Changing the parameters of the programmes and settings, results in new sessions being created. Even with repeat use of programmes, no two hypnagogic light machine experiences by the user will be ever be the same.

JOEL CAHEN of Wet Sounds - Sonic Shaktipat Transmission // an immersive, ectastic ritual of sound and light.
Joel is an audio and visual practitioner and curator and organiser of experiential art events. Since 2002 Joel has been organising multi-disciplinary art events in London, singular music events and events series such as Evil Art (2002 – 2004), The Wormhole Saloon at the Whitechapel Art Gallery (2005 – 2006), Scrap Club, public Destructivist art activity (2007 – ongoing) and Wet Sounds, underwater deep listening (2008 – ongoing). Joel is the co-founder and artistic director of the charity Liquid Vibrations set up to provide underwater listening sessions to children and adults with special and complex needs. He has collaborated as a sound designer, musician and video artist on stage, film and installations as well as independent artists works since 2003. He also has been leading workshops on sound post production and location sound recording.

Joel works on sound installations and performances in public spaces such as libraries, swimming pools and galleries. His work was exhibited/performed across Europe, Australia and North America at ISEA, AV Festival, All Tomorrows Parties, The Whitechapel Art Gallery, Tate Britain, Ultima Festival, Helsinki Festival, Elektroni(k) and more.

TELESTERION by SARAH JANES - An Initiatory Dream Incubation Ritual
(Bring a pillow and blanket to be most comfortable - if you are very sensitive to light an eyemask is recommended)
Sarah Janes has been an enthusiastic lucid dreamer since childhood. She is a writer, public speaker, and sleep hypnosis workshop facilitator. Her book 'Initiation into Dream Mysteries: Drinking from the Pool of Mnemosyne' (Inner Traditions Dec 2022) investigates the history and culture of the 'dream' as medicine in the Western Esoteric Tradition. She runs Explorers Egyptology an online lecture series, with Carl Hayden Smith Sarah operates The Seventh Ray, a virtual reality Mystery School. She is the international retreat coordinator for New Hermopolis in Egypt. She also co-hosts the Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour YouTube show. Sarah is currently working with Rupert Sheldrake and The British Pilgrimage Trust to reinvigorate the practice of dream incubation at sacred sites. She lives in the UK.

THE BRIGHTON TRIAD An AI generated audio visual tarot divination for the event.


Ritual performances
Panels and conversations
Live art and music
Immersive sound and light

Sarah Janes