Dictynna Dream Tea

Dictynna Dream Tea


Tea for love dreams

All Organic Ingredients: Malotira, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Lavender, Diktamo, Rosemary, Sage, Saffron

About the blend

This blend promotes peaceful sleep and love dreams and is inspired by the great goddess of the island of Kriti - Dictynna.

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About the ingredients:

Solar flower and symbol of the sun goddess, chamomile promotes peace and deep relaxation.

Ancient sleep remedy, beloved by Cleopatra, lavender and has long been associated with the Virgin Mary. The flower represents purity, love and virtue.

Malotira or mountain tea is a multipurpose folk remedy in Greece, an aid for digestion and immunity, it lowers blood pressure and calms the nerves.

Diktamo or dittany of crete is an aphrodisiac and emmenagogue associated with the goddess of the hunt and freedom - Artemis. This wild herb seems to give people love themed dreams (the word for Dittany in the Cretan dialect is erontas -love.)

Rosemary is well known for its memory enhancing powers. Lucidity is about remembering where and who you are whilst in a dream. The Greek goddess of remembrance Mnemosyne and her 9 daughters the Muses are often depicted with sprigs of rossemary in their hands.

Sage was associated with Zeus, it was a herb used often in magic for love and memory and is useful for lucidity and dream divination.

Lemon balm is a celebrated nootropic, natural enhancer of cognition promotes GABA, aids focus, concentration, boosts mood and improves memory.

Saffron is the sunshine spice of ancient Kriti, boosts libido and mood, has anti-inflammatory properties and is the all round golden tonic for health and happiness.