Spotlight on the #DREAMLAB

Our #DREAMLAB is a collaborative project between archive film producer, researcher and consultant - Emily Thomas (Emily Bear) and Sleep and Dream researcher Sarah Janes.

Emily approached me last year about using dreams to create a film. She asked me to send her voice recordings describing my dreams and she would use this as inspiration for sourcing archive footage, I was really into this idea as I always wanted to be a dream film director and I loved the experiments in Japan where researchers hooked participants up to MRI and YouTube - to match dream content. Check it out :…/japanese-scientists-create-dream-re…/

The timing and flow of Emily's film - give it a real dream-like quality. 

We replaced my dream v/o soundtrack with a dream/sleep incubation hypnosis and inspired by the expanding dream tech market, our #DREAMLAB should be a regular dream generator. 

There is space for two people to lie down comfortably and it will be running throughout #MIND : 2019 . You'll find us upstairs in the MelodyVRpenthouse suite with  The Cyberdelic Society.

Both Emily and myself will be around to chat to if you have any questions. 

I'm also taking part in our #ANCIENTFUTURES panel with Lena KorkovelouDarren Le BaronSanae Orchi and Alistair Coombs and will be covering topics around dream and sleep and the importance of these things historically for consciousness, memory and culture. 

I hold regular dream workshops and retreats with Daniel Lee and Awake + Away and have spoken on the subject at The Psychedelic Society, at numerous Funzing talks in London,  #Bristol and #Manchester, at Mantra Party and Noisily Festival of Music and Arts and recently at West Brompton Cemetery for A Curious Invitation's London dreaming event.

#dream #luciddreaming #dreamlab #sleep #REM #dreamtech#novadreamer #reemee #sleepmasks #sleeping #film #archive #psychdelic#hypnagogic #hypnopompic #dreamincubation #insomina #sleephypnosis#funzing #noisily #psychedelicsociety #ancientculture #sleeptemples
#greatgardenofsleep #dreamsanddeath #ancienthistory

Sarah Janes