EPIDAURUS: Dream Healing at the Sanctuary of Asklepios | Sarah Janes (ONLINE ZOOM MEET)

EPIDAURUS: Dream Healing at the Sanctuary of Asklepios | Sarah Janes


JUNE 24th 2023
6pm - 7:30pm

LIVE ZOOM PRESENTATION (45 minutes - recording will be sent out the following day) AND Q&A BY SARAH JANES

TICKETS: £7 || Payment can be made using PayPal: sarah@awakeandaway.co.uk || Please us ref: Epidaurus

Epidaurus: Dream Healing at the Sanctuary of Asklepios
In this talk I will be sharing recent photographs and research material from Epidaurus.

Epidaurus is one of the most famous and intriguing healing sanctuaries of the ancient world. The complex is dedicated to the healer god Asklepios - son of the solar Apollo. Across the ancient Hellenic world, Epidaurus was considered a powerful centre, capable of returning patients to their natural state of wellness and harmony. Pilgrims were known to travel great distances to sleep in the sacred precinct of Asklepios, in the hope that he would visit them in their dreams and impart to them the secrets of their own healing, or perform some sort of physically impossible dream surgery upon them.

Recent excavations at Epidaurus, led by the University of Athens professor Vassilis Lambrinoudakis, have unearthed a labyrinthine basement underneath the Thymele structure at Epidaurus. The precise purpose of the winding passages discovered here remains rather mysterious, but it is considered by some that the meanders faciliated a psychodramatic healing journey for supplicants. Patients may have embarked upon a real and symbolic visit to Hades at the same time as the subterranean realms of their own subconscious. In this divine subzone, they could meet with Asklepios. By eating the god's sacred food as a magical healing sacrament, patients might expect to experience divine healing, rejuvenation and regeneration. To emerge from the chthonic basement of Asklepios, was to be reborn into the terrestrial realm of mortals and returned to perfection.  


Sarah Janes