Initiation into Dream Mysteries: Drinking from the Pool of Mnemosyne by Sarah Janes

• Presents effective exercises and techniques, inspired by ancient texts, to deepen your personal awareness of the dream state and experiment with dreams for healing and divinatory purposes

• Each initiatory chapter includes a psychodramatic narrative designed to generate the perfect dream for each stage in the initiation

• Explains how dreaming has influenced cultural, religious, and spiritual thinking

• Includes access to a seven-part hypnagogic guided journey recording

Invoking Mnemosyne--Greek goddess of memory and eloquence, daughter of Heaven and Earth, mother of the Muses, and archetypal deity of the Asklepion dream temple tradition--this book initiates you into full dream consciousness, offering a lucid-dreaming ritual experience in the spirit of the Mystery Schools of antiquity.

Sarah Janes