Winter Solstice Dream Heka Ritual // Nut and Ra Incubation // ONLINE 21st December

Winter Solstice Dream Heka Ritual // Nut and Ra Incubation


Wed 21st December 2022 6:00PM

Eastward the gradual dawn prevails
Where softly-burning fires appear,
Making to tremble all those veils
Of grey and golden gossamer.
- From Dewy Dreams, James Joyce

Winter Solstice is the longest night and shortest day of the year. Solstice marks the start of winter. After the shortest day, the sun starts to return, bringing the warmth and light of new life.

This 1 and half hour dream incubation session is designed to help you release any burdens, resentments or negative attachments you may have formed over the last year and to crystallise personal intentions, identify new healthy boundaries, goals and desires for the coming year.

The waning moon is a good time for untangling magic and releasing trauma, and the rebirth of the sun is an ideal time to look towards future powers and positive manifestation.  

The first 45 mins of this session will be spent exploring the history of the dream as a magical act, and the power of the sun to act as a regenerative force in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece.

In the spirit of ancient dream mysteries you might like to wear white, to symbolise your rebirthing, and you could also have some chamomile tea as solar sacrament - chamomile is the solar flower of sleep, and a beeswax candle (dinner size would be ideal) for the ritual magic part. We will be engraving this candle with hieroglyphs and the candle will stand as the symbol of the solar light slowly returning to us. It may even see us all the way through to wild garlic season.

In the fire of the sacred flame we shall release that which no longer serves us, we will petition the otherworld gods for healing and insight.

The final part of the session will be a Nut (Sky Goddess) and Ra (Sun God) ancient Egyptian inspired dream incubation ritual. This will be a guided hypnagogic meditation, leading you towards the edge of conscious dreaming, provoking lucid memory and encouraging vivid imagery. Working with these primordial, imaginal beings, we shall attempt to engender a divine, ecstatic dream.

An optional dream circle will take place over Zoom the following day.
Participants will receive a recording of the session.

Send £20 via PayPal // Ref: HEKA

Power to your Ka!

Sarah Janes