LA PETITE MORT: The Little Death Dream Portal

“Poetry leads to the same place as all forms of eroticism — to the blending and fusion of separate objects. It leads us to eternity, it leads us to death, and through death to continuity. Poetry is eternity; the sun matched with the sea.” 
Georges Bataille, Erotism: Death and Sensuality

Hedy Lamarr (Ekstase Ecstacy) 1933 Film.  

Hedy Lamarr (Ekstase Ecstacy) 1933 Film.  

In the moments following orgasm, it is common to enter a transcendent state and experience a brief loss of self awareness. Romantically referred to as La Petite Mort — this can be an ideal portal to a lucid dream.

Orgasm alters consciousness and acts as a powerful analgesic, it has been associated with the deactivation and activation of certain key brain regions. Some regions are responsible for modulating the perception of our relationship with reality. In the deep sense of peace that unfolds throughout our body post-orgasm, we are in a unique position to practice the art of lucid dreaming without falling asleep.

Depending on the individual and circumstance, one might experience significant activation of certain brain regions in the build-up to orgasm. If lots of mental fantasy is taking place — as is often the case with masturbation, there is an increase of activity in the PFC. The activation in the right angular gyrus and operculum is also significant in the comparison between build-up, orgasm and post-orgasm. The right angular gyrus has been implicated in altered states such as out of body experiences.

Sarah Janes