TODAY: Dream Mapping the Memory Palace // Workshop with Sarah Janes 6pm (UK)

Working with dream memory for lucidity. We will be playing memory games, working with language, story, sleep hypnosis and more.

In our first session, we will be honing in on the representation of water in dreams. Do you have a dream spa, waterpark, tsunami, ocean, pool, pond, lake, fountain, river or stream? Very often in our dreams there are these water features that hold our past, present and future memories.

Attendees of this session will also receive a sample of my Keftu - Ritual Dreaming Tea in the post

A dream version of the the mnemonic device 'Method of Loci - or Memory Palace' is a technique I use to work holistically within the dream space, deepen the understanding of self and curate the kind of enriching and meaningful dream experiences I enjoy the most.

When we dream, we create the psychic architecture of our innermost being. We incubate our waking selves in the dream sphere.

Encoded within the cityscapes, landscapes, characters, animals and finest details of our dreams, are our emotions, memories and the knowledge of our highest-self.

When we create maps of our dream landscape - we can add features and analyse existing ones, creating feedback between conscious and subconscious awareness. In doing so we increase the likelihood of lucid episodes. Becoming lucid is about remembering who and where you are whilst you are in a dream.

Sarah Janes