THIS WEEKEND join The Explorers Club for some extreme locked-down escapism. Don't just go outdoors or outside, come all the way off-planetwith us as we join two experts for adventures into space.

We have TWO FREE online meet ups this week. Join us on Zoom live, or if you can't make it but are interested I'll be sharing the videos on my YouTubechannel early next week.

I welcome your questions for our experts. Please email me with them. I am expecting our conversations to last around 45 minutes, with time for a Q+A session afterwards. 

To register on ZOOM for FREE access to these events please click on the links below:

FRIDAY 24th APRIL 8pm - STARLINK SPECIAL with Vicky Duncalf

SUNDAY 26TH APRIL 8.30pm - AD ASTRA: A Guide to Leaving the Planet with Dallas Campbell


The controversial project STARLINK is a 'mega-constellation' of satellites created by Elon Musk's corporation SpaceX, designed to make the internet accessible to remote locations around the world.

SpaceX eventually hopes to have as many as 12,000 satellites in this so-called mega-constellation. These satellites are causing many people around the world to report UFOs, and arousing a general wonderment and/or paranoia about life on our home planet and our relationship to the cosmos that envelops us. We invite your questions and contributions.

Vicky Duncalf is a Space sector content creator and blogger. A writer and presenter with 20 years broadcast experience.

Her passion is for space, astronomy and astrophysics, with a special soft spot for radio astronomy. Vicky is the resident blogger for The Society for Popular Astronomy.


Ad Astra: A Guide to Leaving the Planet

For almost all human history we’ve been firmly rooted to the Earth. And, sure, it's got some good things going for it: nice views, friendly inhabitants, good coffee. Air. But what if you want to get off?

Whether you've got itchy feet and need a bit of a break, or you’re looking for a complete change of scene, this book has all the information you'll need to leave, with FREE expert advice from the men and woman who can actually make it happen.

Do I need a passport? How do I know if I have the right stuff? Can I take my dog? What spacesuit do I need? Where am I going to go? What am I going to eat?

As well as being a deeply impractical guide to getting off the planet, this is an eclectic and beautifully illustrated mix-tape of space travel stories – both real and imagined. From the migrating lunar geese that flew us to the moon in the 1600’s, to Elon Musk’s wild plan to get humans to Mars en masse in the future; from the history of early rocket science to the Soviet tortoises that secretly won the space race.

Dallas Campbell is a broadcaster who has presented some of television’s best known science and technology programmes: The Gadget Show, Bang Goes the Theory, The Sky at Night and Stargazing Live.

Dallas is an honorary fellow of the British Science Association which helps promote science to non-scientists.

Sarah Janes