SLEEP HYPNOSIS for calm and peace


Sleep is medicine and essential for a robust immune system. My research into the power of healthy sleep routines and high quality dream content might help you make the most of the lockdown with regards to improving your sleep hygiene.

Here is a FREE guided meditation / sleep hypnosis. It is really useful if you are having trouble sleeping and lying in bed worrying, but of course it can be used any time of day to help you calm down and get into a peaceful state of mind. 

PLEASE SHARE if you know anyone stressing out and not sleeping.

The hyper energy and device addiction at the moment is creating sleep disturbances for many and sleep is your first line of defence for all imbalances in your body, mental and physical. Turn off devices a good while before bed, at least two hours, and read an upbeat adventure book instead.

The ancient Greeks had 'Sleep Temples'. Use this opportunity to make your own sleep temple. 

Check out my website for more top tips for improving sleep quality. One of the most excellent things about our hibernation is that we shall all have the opportunity to sleep a lot more, but please be mindful of device usage, as the blue-light they emit over-stimulates us and disrupts our circadian rhythms.

#sleep #health #wellness #power #attraction #dreams #medicine #vibes #nightime #lockdown #quarantine #luciddremaing #asmr #relax #behealthy #bewell #good #strong #meditation #stress #calm #peace #easy #vitality #covid19 #coronavibes #corona #crownchakra #energy #source #flow #life #living #excellenthealth #sleephygiene

Sarah Janes